At Complete Business & Accounting Services (CBAS), we pride ourselves on providing professional and cost effective accounting services to our clients. We are therefore proud to announce that we partner with Xero, the world’s easiest online accounting system specifically tailored to businesses like yours.
Xero provides a powerful view of financial information in real-time. There’s no need to buy expensive software and install upgrades. Xero is available on your PC or Mac in the office, at home or on popular mobile devices – anywhere, anytime.
The beauty of Xero is you can invite a number of trusted people such as us, your accountants, to collaborate online. No more cumbersome transfer of data that can be corrupted or is out-of-date.
CBAS is an MYOB connected accounting Practice.
One of the most difficult parts of running a business is keeping the book keeping in order. Many Australian SME’s or small business owners get stressed when thinking about Taxes, BAS, Super, workers comp and getting their books in order. MYOB can be a powerful tool for your business.
Here are some reasons why MYOB is the ideal business book-keeping software:
Realsiticall there is a little learning involved in the process. MYOB’s interface is easy to use and if you’ve used Excel to create an invoice in the past, then you’ll be up and running before you know it.
Once the software is set up correctly you willl be able to track your income and expenses. MYOB is a double entry system and easy to use. The interface is simple to use and you can create invoices and data entry with a few clicks of your mouse.
Using MYOB can save you money. Many business owners visit their accountant at the end of the financial year and arrive with a shoebox full of receipts and invoices to be processed. This can dramatically raise the cost of accounting fees.
MYOB lets you keep track of your financial information as you go throughout the year. If you spend a little time each week, or month to enter the data then it will not build up at the end of the year.
If you need a financial business snapshot MYOB lets you generate eports quickly and easily. At Profit & Loss statement can be printed off, cash flow problems predicted, or latest customer expense-tracking sheet can be sent to key personnel. You can also export reporting data to Excel or Word and create your own customised PDF reports.
MYOB Live Accounts is a cloud-based version of the MYOB software. MYOB Live Accounts is perfect for business owners looking to de-clutter their computers and enjoy software portability.
MYOB lets you set certain access levels for your staff. If for example you have an in-house staff member who is responsible for entering customer invoices and expense data, then that person can be granted limited access to protect the more sensitive parts of the business finances.
Customised user levels work for individuals and groups. And each person can create his or her own password-protected login
MYOB gives business owners the freedom of flexibility. You can use information from MYOB on programs such as Word, Outlook or Excel. MYOB will grow with your business as it expands. And you can utilise a growing number of comprehensive add-ons to turn MYOB into a powerful and intuitive financial reporting and tracking tool as you see fit.
MYOB gives you and your staff access to centralised data at the click of your mouse. When you utilise MYOB in your business it’s like having your own virtual book-keeper on hand.
MYOB is Australian. Therefore support is only ever a phone call away. The software has been designed with Australian tax laws in mind. And regular free updates ensure the software is always up-to-date with any changes of the law.
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